Case Studies in Macro Economics

What's Inside

Course Description

This is a tour of historic economic events decoding them to understand core concepts in Macro-Economics.

Let's parse that

  • 'why macro-econ':Central bank and Government budget decisions effect an individual's financial situation. Knowing what are the stimulators of these decisions can smooth out financial planning. This is where learning Macro-Economics will help sail your boat.
  • 'story-telling': Macro-economics is nothing but an engaging story of how, why and in what way do People, Government and Central Bank react to economic events. No wonder that the process of learning Macro-Economics should also be a story. We have done exactly that. By looking into historical events with a magnifying glass, we elaborate every little concept that literally govern economic decisions.
  • 'the big picture': Half knowledge is always dangerous. Everything in macro-economics connects in some way. Understanding how everything intersect in the bigger picture of things only would assure sound decisions. This course helps you understand why recession follows boom, or why interest hike trails inflation. We will connect the dots of major macro-economic concepts.

What's Covered:

  • Recession of 1970s: Cause and effect analysis, Government Decisions, Fiscal and Monetary policies
  • Unemployment and inflation: Effects on aggregate demand and supply, relation between unemployment and inflation
  • GDP and Income: 4 components of GDP, Concept of Value Added, Nominal and real growth, Price Index, National Income, Disposable Income, Consumption and Savings
  • How does GDP Grow?: Analysis of the growth stories of Japan, China and Singapore
  • Investments and Interest Rates: Expectation, Revenue and Costs, why do interest rates change, Controls on Money Supply
  • 2008 Global Economic Recession: Root causes demystified, effects of recession and interplay of macro-economic factors
  • Balance of Payments: Current account and capital account transactions broken down
  • Foreign Exchange Rates: Purchasing Power Parity, determinants of real exchange rates, connection of Oil Prices and exchange rates
  • The bigger picture: Why spike in oil prices are followed by recession and how does everything connect.

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What are the requirements?

  • This course assumes no prior knowledge of economics, finance or accounting

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Over 21 lectures and 4 hours of content!
  • Understand what can lead to inflation and when the markets could be cheerful
  • Know when Central Bank may raise interest rates and when is the right time to invest
  • Decode success stories of GDP growth and know when an economy can boom
  • Know how oil price change impacts your foreign earnings and expenses
  • Determine how Government decisions can impact your salary

What is the target audience?

  • Yep! Business majors and aspiring MBAs
  • Yep! Finance professionals who are rusty on economics, and its role in how global events affect businesses
  • Yep! Strategy professionals looking for a theoretical grounding in concepts like interest rate, inflation and aggregate demand and supply
  • Yep! Aspiring entrepreneurs eager to understand how to react to global crisis or boom

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Certificate Available
45416+ Students
22 Lectures
3+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
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Loonycorn is comprised of a couple of individuals —Janani Ravi and Vitthal Srinivasan—who have honed their tech expertises at Google and Stanford. The team believes it has distilled the instruction of complicated tech concepts into funny, practical, engaging courses, and is excited to be sharing its content with eager students.

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