Unity VR Development – 360° Photos Experience

Learn about 360-degree photos and use them to create an interactive VR experience in Unity!

What's Inside

In this course we cover the creation of a VR experience using 360 photos. We start from the ground-up, detailing what 360 photos are, how they are stored and what we need to do in order to prepare them for Unity.

This course includes also a discussion around UI in virtual reality. By the end of this module, you’ll have built a 360 photo experience that can be easily re-purposed for any kind of application. You will also end up with reusable UI components you can drop into any Unity project.

Learning goals:

  • Working with 360 photos in Unity
  • UI in VR: the importance of Spatial UI
  • Diegetic vs non-diegetic UI
  • Gaze interactions: clicking and hovering
  • Building reusable UI components

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Certificate Available
42016+ Students
15 Lectures
2+ Hours of Video
Lifetime Access
24/7 Support
Instructor Rating

Trusted by over 1 million learners and developers, Zenva provides world-class training on in-demand programming skills covering game development, machine learning, virtual reality and full-stack web development.

Our e-learning platform Zenva Academy is the leading place to upskill, learn and gain key tech skills for the innovation economy. Our curriculum is organized about Mini-Degrees™ which cover a wide range of technical subjects and include video, project files and mentor support.

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